What are Wardley Maps?

Wardley Maps are a strategic tool used to visualize and analyze the value chain of an organization. They help in understanding the landscape, identifying strategic opportunities, and making informed decisions. Created by Simon Wardley, these maps are widely used by organizations to navigate complex strategic environments and plan for the future.

Meet the Wardley Mapping AI Crew

At the heart of the Wardley Maps Crew and Video Knowledge Base API is a dedicated team of experts known as the Wardley Mapping Crew. This team comprises strategic thinkers, data scientists, and engineers who work tirelessly to ensure the API provides accurate, insightful, and actionable information.

Their Mission

The mission of the Wardley Mapping AI Crew is to empower you with tools that enhance strategic planning and knowledge acquisition. We believe in the power of visualization and data-driven decision-making, and our goal is to make these tools accessible and effective for all users.

Enhancing API Performance with AI Agents

To ensure the API performs optimally and delivers the best results, we utilize advanced agents powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence. These agents play a crucial role in enhancing the functionality and efficiency of the API.

How AI Agents Work

Agents are specialised programs that handle various tasks within the API. Here’s how they enhance the performance and usability of the API:

  1. Data Processing Agents: These agents are responsible for processing large volumes of data quickly and accurately. They handle the complex computations required to generate Wardley Maps and analyze strategic components.

  2. Query Optimization Agents: When you query the YouTube Knowledge Base, these agents ensure that the search is efficient and the results are relevant. They use natural language processing (NLP) to understand the context of your question and retrieve the most pertinent video segments.

  3. Real-Time Monitoring Agents: To maintain high availability and performance, these agents continuously monitor the API’s health. They detect and respond to any anomalies or issues in real-time, ensuring uninterrupted service.

  4. Learning Agents: These agents use machine learning algorithms to improve the accuracy and relevance of responses over time. By analyzing user interactions and feedback, they refine their models to better serve user needs.

  5. Security Agents: Security is paramount. Our security agents protect the API from unauthorized access and potential threats. They manage API keys, monitor usage patterns, and enforce security protocols to keep your data safe.

Benefits of Using AI Agents

  • Speed and Efficiency: Agents automate repetitive and complex tasks, significantly reducing the time required to generate maps and process queries.
  • Accuracy: By leveraging machine learning, agents continuously improve the accuracy of the data and responses provided by the API.
  • Scalability: Agents enable the API to handle a large number of requests simultaneously, making it scalable and reliable.
  • Security: With dedicated security agents, the API remains secure and trustworthy for all users.
  • User Experience: Agents enhance the overall user experience by providing quick, accurate, and relevant results.

Overview of the API

The Wardley Maps and Video Knowledge Base API offers two primary functionalities:

  1. Wardley Maps API: Allows users to create, save, retrieve, and manage Wardley Maps.
  2. Video Knowledge Base API: Enables users to query videos with specific questions, returning relevant video segments.

Wardley Maps API

The Wardley Maps API is designed to provide a seamless experience in managing your strategic maps. Here are some of its key features:

  1. Generate Wardley Maps: Create visual representations of your strategic landscape.
  2. Save and Retrieve Maps: Store your maps securely and retrieve them as needed.
  3. Manage Components: Add, update, and retrieve various components and warnings associated with your maps.

Example Endpoints:

  • Generate a Wardley Map

    • Endpoint: /v2/generate-map
    • Method: POST
    • Description: Generates a Wardley Map and returns a URL of the image.
    • Request: { "owmtext": "string" }
    • Response: { "imageurl": "string", "warnings": ["string"] }
  • Save a Wardley Map

    • Endpoint: /v2/maps/save
    • Method: POST
    • Description: Saves the provided Wardley Map data and returns a unique ID for the map.
    • Request: { "text": "string" }
    • Response: { "id": "string", "editUrl": "string" }
  • Fetch a Wardley Map

    • Endpoint: /v2/maps/fetch
    • Method: GET
    • Description: Retrieves the Wardley Map specified by the ID.
    • Parameters: mapId
    • Response: { "id": "string", "text": "string" }

Video Knowledge Base API

The Video Knowledge Base API is a unique feature that allows users to tap into the vast repository of videos to find answers to specific questions. This is particularly useful for training, research, and gaining insights from expert videos.

Example Endpoint:

  • Query Videos
    • Endpoint: /v1/querykb
    • Method: POST
    • Description: Returns a list of Videos with start times of the segment that answers the question.
    • Request: { "question": "string" }
    • Response:
        "answer": "The best way to learn Wardley Maps is by practicing.",
        "source": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abcd1234",
        "title": "Introduction to Wardley Maps",
        "author": "Simon Wardley",
        "source_video": "abcd1234",
        "start_time": 120,
        "view_count": 1000,
        "like_count": 50,
        "dislike_count": 2,
        "upload_date": "2021-06-01",
        "average_rating": 4.5,
        "description": "A comprehensive guide to understanding and using Wardley Maps.",
        "content": "In this video, Simon Wardley explains the fundamentals of Wardley Maps."

Getting Started

To get started with the Wardley Maps Crew and Knowledge Base API, you need to obtain an API key. All endpoints require authentication using an API key, which should be included in the Authorization header as Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

Base URLs

  • Wardley Maps API: https://api.wardleymaps.ai

Example Use Cases

  1. Strategic Planning: Use the Wardley Maps API to create and manage your organization's strategic maps, helping you visualize and navigate your strategic environment.
  2. Knowledge Retrieval: Leverage the Video Knowledge Base API to find relevant video segments that answer specific questions, enhancing your training and research capabilities.


The Wardley Maps and Knowledge Base API provides a robust set of tools for strategic planning and knowledge retrieval. By combining the power of Wardley Maps with the extensive information available on Video, this API offers a comprehensive solution for organizations looking to enhance their strategic insights and knowledge management.

Whether you are a business leader looking to make informed strategic decisions, or a researcher seeking specific knowledge from video content, the Wardley Maps and Video Knowledge Base API is designed to meet your needs. Get started today and unlock the potential of strategic mapping and intelligent knowledge retrieval.